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Form 1040 (Schedule 8812) online Tucson Arizona: What You Should Know

There are changes to tax benefits could boost refunds for many families. April 2025 — The Child Tax Credit for the next three tax years and the credit for each year after that is increased by 5% to  1,350. The child tax credit, previously 1,000 per child, is also doubled for high-income families. Oct 20, 2025 — Additional income, such as from interest and dividends, is excluded and taxed when it exceeds the amount of tax that would be paid on the  child's income, up to 8,000 for married couples filing jointly. Apr 2025 — The child tax credit remains in effect throughout the life of the child in its present form. Apr 2025 — The IRS changes the rules, to make the child tax credit better suited to the needs of families with special needs, and for children of incarcerated parents. Oct 2025 — It is extended to married tax filers making more than 150,000. Mar 2044 — The Child Tax Credit is expanded to 4,000 per individual, 2,000 per married couple. The tax credit is phased out for households in which the payer is a child of a  high earner (over 150,000 in income) when the child reaches age 17 and for couples filing jointly when the filer is a child  of an earner in the highest income tax bracket. Mar 2044 — The child tax credit is reduced by 20% for families in which the payer is a nonresident alien and the child is a citizen. The change is effective when  the child reaches age 17 and for non-resident alien filers with dependents  Dec 2044 — The child tax credit is increased by 20% and makes full retroactive to Jan 1, 2018. Oct 2047 — The child tax credit is expanded to 9,000 per child. It now is worth 6,500 per child for children born in 2017. July 2056 — The nonresident alien exemption is increased from 100,000 to 175,000 for married parents filing jointly. Jan 2063 — The child tax credit goes to 8,400 per child for children born in 2017. The child tax credit is then indexed to the average income of households  at the end of each calendar year. Jul 2075 — The maximum credit increases from 4,000 to 10,000 per child.

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